Cardboard Love in a Digital World.
Loving this project from someone who’s not afraid to be lame now that they’ve met the right person…
Posted In collaboration/projectLoving this project from someone who’s not afraid to be lame now that they’ve met the right person…
Posted In collaboration/projectSomething I never thought I’d see… Zooey D. selling out to Cotton…
Posted In see itI’m irrevocably in love with the work of Nicholas Girling, aka otispepper. I’m equally in love with his Etsy profile. You should check out both.
Posted In create, mixed mediaI’m still lusting after A Year of Mornings: 3191 Miles Apart by Maria Alexandra Vettese (Mav) and Stephanie Congdon Barnes. If you’re not familiar, Mav and Stephanie are friends – not to mention fantastic photographers – who live 3191 miles apart in Portland, Oregon and Portland, Maine. Starting January 1, 2007 each posted a photo every morning. This book is the result. Their next adventure? A Year of Evenings, of course, which will be released this summer.
The MUJI Award 03 gold prize winner is Straw straw by Yuki Iida of Japan and I couldn’t love it’s sheer brilliance any more. It almost can’t be described as design so much as ingenuity. Iida took something that already exists in nature an simply gave it a renewed purpose. Lovely.
The original meaning of the term “straw” was “wheat straw”. Wall art depicting people using straws of wheat to drink from have been discovered from ancient Mesopotamian ruins. Straws of wheat are forms created by nature; they are materials that return to the soil. There’s no waste in either the shape itself, or in its actual existence.
Who couldn’t use a little inspiration on a daily basis? I like the way The Love Shop reminds us of what really matters when it comes down to it.
Posted In paper goodsI love the idea of the Wishing Wall. I think I’d hang it on the wall afterwards as a feel-good work of art!
Tuck tiny colorful wishes for the happy couple, new baby or proud graduate into this cardboard frame for a memorable keepsake. Or give it to yourself and let it be a time capsule of your hopes and dreams. Includes 500 wish sheets.
:: via Better Living Through Design
Posted In grand design, paper goodsThis contest/collaboration has been in the planning stages for way too long and I’m thrilled beyond words to finally be able to announce Win It: The Left Handed Calligrapher!
Nicole, The Left Handed Calligrapher herself, has offered an absolutely amazing prize for the winner of this contest: an 8.5 X 11″ piece featuring either the quote or short poem of your choice in her lovely penmanship. You’ll get to work with her to determine the style, colors and font used in the final piece. Coolest thing ever, right?!
To enter tell us what your favorite part of spring it. It can be an event, a feeling, a thing, you name it. Please be sure to include your email address as well. Commenting will close at noon one week from today (Monday, April 13th) at noon CST and we’ll choose the lucky winner! US residents only.
I’m awestruck by iri5’s Ghost in the Machine project. Maybe I need to dig out my old NKOTB and Milli Vanilli cassettes…
“In this series I showcase a number of portraits of musicians made out of recycled cassette tape with original cassette. Also included are portraits made from old film and reels. The idea comes from a philosopher’s description of how your spirit lives in your body. I imagine we are all, like cassettes, thoughts wrapped up in awkward packaging.”
Posted In create, mixed media