Matthew Woodson.
I’m loving the muted tones, attention to detail and subject matter of illustrator Matthew Woodson’s work. Check out his extensive portfolio here.
Posted In create, illustrationI’m loving the muted tones, attention to detail and subject matter of illustrator Matthew Woodson’s work. Check out his extensive portfolio here.
Posted In create, illustrationCig Harvey is the photographer of all photographers in my newly-formed opinion. Anyone who can take ordinary, everyday things and turn them into the extraordinary is something special. Harvey has worked for such clients as Kate Spade, Royal Shakespeare Company and Ralph Lauren – just to name a few. The woman has talent and although I’m a little late to jump on the USS Cig Harvey I think I’ll be signing up for a nice, long journey.
Posted In create, photographyI couldn’t have more love for Erin of Design for Mankind if I tried, so I’m thrilled to announce Win It: Design for Mankind!
dfm’s Inspiration e-zines have taken the design blog community by storm and spawned a much coveted poster in the process. (Check out Issues 1, 2 and 3 here if you’ve missed them!) Thanks to Erin’s generosity, one lucky Design Crush reader will be the proud owner of one of her awesome posters!
The rules are simple. Playing off the idea of inspiration, comment to this post telling me what in everyday life is your biggest inspiration. I’ll choose my favorite answer. You have until Friday, April 25th, 2008 at 12:00 p.m. CST to enter. Make sure to check back at the end of the week to see if you’re the lucky entry. Good Luck!
Everyone questions who they are at some point. Identity Crisis takes a fresh look at the subject of logos by exploring the process of redesigning existing identities. Get an inside look at the challenges of redesigning identities and see the creative and strategic thinking behind the work.
A few weeks ago I was out for Saturday dinner with my mom. She had a cold and wanted some hot tea to soothe her scratchy throat. After ordering, the waitress brought out the tea caddy for my mom to make her selection. Upon opening the packet we were both surprised (and a little confused) to see this little drawstring tea bag! The drawstring allows you to get every drop out of the bag in an unintentionally fun way. Completely functional, awesome design which works really, really well.
I love the blunt, clever, simplicity behind Mike Monteiro’s work. White Helvetica type on black? Can’t go wrong with that combo, my friends. And the sayings are things I totally wish I’d said first.
Posted In create, mixed mediaDesigner Marten Baptiste really took wine glass aesthetics in a new and interesting direction with the Louise Tripod wine glass. The typical triangular Dutch lines of the base are oddly stabilizing to the balance of the glass in a paralyzing to the mind sort of way.
Pam and Jim are adorable. if you’re an Office fan there’s no way to deny the cuteness factor of this card!
:: via Meanwhile, In Hershey
Posted In cards, paper goodsI adore Tea forte and now they’ve out with the innovative idea of Tea-Over-Ice. Hot tea is steeped in the upper pitcher, then immediately poured over ice in the lower pitcher for the freshest brewed iced tea possible. Quite the presentation.
:: via swissmiss
Posted In grand design, kitchen