Bentwood Coffee Cuff.
Formed around a take-out coffee cup, the Bentwood coffee cuff satisfies both form and function – the bracelet doubles as a java jacket! So fantastic. “No, I don’t need a cardboard sleeve. I’ll just use my bracelet, thanks!!”
Formed around a take-out coffee cup, the Bentwood coffee cuff satisfies both form and function – the bracelet doubles as a java jacket! So fantastic. “No, I don’t need a cardboard sleeve. I’ll just use my bracelet, thanks!!”
Grady McFerrin’s bio piece pretty much says it all. Who doesn’t love a Trekkie who can draw?? I love his style. I remember seeing the last piece in Comm Arts a few years back and falling in love with it. So glad to have come across both he and work again.
I feel like screaming “Poop!” at the top of my lungs right now. Well, maybe a synonym of poop that rhymes with spit. It’s just the kind of day I’m having – nothing to do with work or anything else really. Just a general feeling of blah. And I suppose listening to depressing music (i.e. The Reindeer Section, Cary Brothers, etc) all day long isn’t helping lift my spirits much. Oh well, sometimes it’s nice to wallow for a bit.
Yes, yes, February 14th was a few weeks ago but feb 14. by Josef Lee is far too amazing to pass by. Hit up the link for the fully illustrated story. So sweet.
:: via neatorama
Posted In onlineShe Hit Pause Studios is Matt Schwartz, photographer, and Kate Shawver, web designer/developer. Matt has been photographing his version of the pin-up girl for the past ten years and all of his models are friends or people who have purchased his work which makes it all that much more appealing and interesting. With Polaroids going like hot cakes, seems like the man chose the right business because he’s truly gifted.
:: via coco+kelley
I’m thinking I would be a waaay bigger Star Wars fan had the entire movie been done like this courtesy of Mr. Saul Bass. Here’s what it might have looked like had it been filmed two decades earlier and Bass had been director.
:: via Neatorama
Posted In see itOh Matthew, how I love thee. Mr. Mead always brings a fresh perspective and great ideas to the scene, so I was pumped when I had an email in my inbox this morning announcing the launch of Matthew Mead Style’s Spring site. Stop by and drool!
The Pyreness Wood Block is great design with a purpose. To use just break a match off the block and scratch it along the base of the block to light. What I really like that the look is ever-changing as you use more and more of the 100 matches.
Yet another standout from designboom’s design in 2015 competition: the Mest Turkish coffee set from Israeli designer Esli Alovi.
“A modern interpretation for a turkish coffee set which still maintains its traditional values. The tray integrates everything required for the preparation of the coffee, from cooking to serving, all in the dining area. The materials used are copper and ceramic.”
Posted In grand design, kitchenBrilliant just doesn’t seem enough to describe how I feel about these screw on tops by designer Jorre can Ast. By screwing on plastic tops everyday jars are turned into vessels with a specific function. The family includes a sugar pot, milk jug, chocolate sprinkler, oil&vinegar set and a water jug.
:: via Core77
Posted In grand design, kitchen