Cotton Idea Studio.
Cotton Idea Studio has opened their doors to an online shoppe. Congratulations Mindy! To celebrate CIS is offering 15% off your order until November 15th – just enter debut at checkout!
Cotton Idea Studio has opened their doors to an online shoppe. Congratulations Mindy! To celebrate CIS is offering 15% off your order until November 15th – just enter debut at checkout!
The Orbit bowls from Miam-Miam’s Mushroom Colection make me want to toss out my dishes. Don’t get me wrong, I think mine are great but these just make them seem so boring. The combination of white porcelain and futuristic design is gorgeous.
Then there are the Espresso Towers. The combo of stainless steel and porcelain work together to keep your beverage the perfect temperature. I love the rounded-square shape with those great saucers.
If anything these are at least guaranteed to make your cereal and coffee a real experience!
Posted In grand design, kitchenI had an amazing birthday weekend despite the very un-fun cold I was hosting. One of my very favorite gifts was the bottle of Bitch Grenache wine my best friend Linnzi surprised me with. The wine more or less named itself: the grapes are a bitch to grow for the winemakers at R Winery. Among design-y type things I adore are wine labels, and this one is incredibly simple and light-hearted (the ingredients are bitch, bitch, bitch, etc). Definitely girly and a great birthday present. (Thanks L-Dawg!)
This is ridiculously funny and had me cracking up and wide awake first thing this morning. The worse part is just how painfully true it rings. If you’re not a graphic designer or art director the video may not tickle your funny bone, but it will give you plenty of ideas on how to make our lives a living hell. Kudos to Agency Fusion for the painful truth.
:: via How about orange…
Posted In graphic designWhen I first saw the Fresh Style card file I thought it was a cool way to organize my ever-growing card collection. But then I saw that it actually comes with a set of twelve cards – 4 birthday, 4 thank-you and 4 sentiments – and matching envelopes and it made it that much better.
Maybe this is actually more of a Secret Admirer situation. Because I honestly know nothing about Klas Fahlen other than the fact that he’s an amazing illustrator. The man is an enigma, but his work speaks volumes.
Posted In create, illustrationModern Printed Matter is the Rhode Island-based brainchild of Anna Cote. MPM originally began as a “night and weekends” endeavor and quickly turned into something much more – with good reason, the girl has talent. As of May 2007 Anna has made MPM her full-time job and in September opened up an Etsy shop. Her designs are clean, modern and fun and a must check-out for anyone who loves papergoods.
My favorites are the fun cards and tags below. I’m also an admitted sucker for her 2008 Desktop Botanical Calendar that I posted about here.
Posted In cards, paper goodsMean Cards by Julianna Holowka are fantasticly awesome.
A. Because I love anything with a stick figure.
B. Stick figures saying funny things are good.
C. This is how I feel today. I came down with a cold yesterday and it’s going to ruin my entire birthday weekend if it doesn’t get out of here real fast!
The morning after Halloween most people are at their candy saturation point. I said most people. *wink, wink*
Sweet’s Candy creates some seriously quality candies out in Salt Lake City. And some seriously clever packaging for their Twist Box series filled with classic candy. I love the idea of opening a big piece of ‘candy’ to get to the rest of the goods.
Posted In food, packagingThe morning after Halloween most people are at their candy saturation point. I said most people. *wink, wink*
Sweet’s Candy creates some seriously quality candies out in Salt Lake City. And some seriously clever packaging for their Twist Box series filled with classic candy. I love the idea of opening a big piece of ‘candy’ to get to the rest of the goods.
Posted In food, packaging