Momspit (inspired by the original). Yup, you read that correctly. I’m not big on hand sanitizers, but this is too cool. It doesn’t contain any alcohol (and isn’t techinically a sanitizer) so it’s safe to use anywhere – even your face. It even moisturizes which I think is my big pet peeve about most hand sanitizers – they dry my skin out like crazy. This I would buy for the name alone. Well, and to pull out when someone has something on their face (“Ooooh, let me get that, dear!). The scents seem amazing: fig/green tea, lemon/white tea and unscented.
The 2008 Crackpot Calendar features a selection of awesome illustrations. Each calendar page showcases a new image – one per week from a total of fifty-six. There are two options for display – from the wall or propped on a desk. I love it because who wants to wait an entire month before changing the calendar? Lovely idea and execution.
Chapter 2 is a non-profit project of the Women’s Alliance which uses sales revenue to help provide professional attire and career skills training to low-income women seeking employment in the Miami area. As if that’s not enough, they also hope to give back to the community. They plan to do so by creating a store that is unlike any other resale and consignment store on the market today: with a modern and distinctive merchandising plan and a unique store layout, brand and atmosphere. Chapter 2 will be designed to look, feel and be different than any other out there. Click here if you’re in the Miami area and want to know how to help out.
This is an incredible project in and of itself, but what makes it go above and beyond in my eyes is the astounding design put into it by Minneapolis design firm Mono. They successfully took a project, albeit done before, and turned it into something eye-catching and attention grabbing. And also versatile: the Chapter 2 logo stickers used for stationary, hang tags, etc can be placed anywhere to make every piece of Chapter 2 individual and distinct.
And Fork: 100 Designers, 10 Curators, 10 Good Designs presents 100 of the most exceptional product designers that have recently emerged on the scene, as well as 1,000 color illustrations of hundreds of innovative products created by them. Objects including chairs, lighting, footwear, kitchen accessories and electronics provide the newest developments in the design world. Recent trends in design are revealed, such as concerns with social responsibility and the ethics of design, new product design that caters to our increasing dependence on portable and personal technology, and a rise in collaboration between young designers. Each designer’s work is displayed on four pages that include photographs, technical drawings and text written on why the designer’s work has been chosen.
If you haven’t yet seen the amazing work of Carol, Deb and Kelly at bread + butter you’re definitely missing out. Their letterpress is amazing, but I’m incredibly attracted (yes, you can be attracted to paper products) to their embossed white-on-white cards. The fronts are adorned with simple phrases such as I’m sorry and WTF which pleasingly pop off the background. Sometimes simple says it best of all.
verē (pronounced “very”) is the most sophisticated pure chocolate imaginable. Rich in cocoa, low in sugar, totally natural and a taste that could go to head to head with the world’s best. By starting with the very best ingredients available – sustainably grown, persicide-free cocoa beans – and sweetening them only slightly to bring out their flavor, verē presents its chocolate in the purest form possible.
I’m ga-ga over verē’s packaging, too. I’ll say it again and again white space is highly under-rated. By using it in this case, verē really is able to show off the beautiful craftsmanship and quality of their product and let it speak for itself.
I’m a big fan of the Wall Cleat from Oboiler. And I desperately need one for my bathroom! Between hair dryer, straightener and electric toothbrush I’m one outlet short of electrical bliss. The Wall Cleat would cleverly keep me from stepping on the stray cord and impaling my foot on the prongs (which I’ve done before). Technology is great, but keep it out of my way!
Yee-Haw Industries has made my Monday morning – and don’t we all need something to do that?
YHI specializes in original art-like products – from letterpress posters promoting special events, music acts and theatre shows to handmade, woodcut, fine art prints. All of their work is custom-to-order, designed, set, and pressed by hand.
They’ve also managed to feed my obsession with calendars which is never a bad thing in my eyes.
This look absolutely amazing – I think there may be some drool on my keyboard. I may have to buy Baking: From My Home to Yours by Dorie Greenspan for this recipe alone. *drool*