Books Print.
I’m lusting after this print by Emily Martin of The Black Apple. It’s such a great quote by Morrissey and I love her whimsical artistic interpretation of it. Psst… she’s giving one away on her blog right now!
I’m lusting after this print by Emily Martin of The Black Apple. It’s such a great quote by Morrissey and I love her whimsical artistic interpretation of it. Psst… she’s giving one away on her blog right now!
I really do, to the point of organized obsession really. The I Heart Lists set consists of nine tablets for list lovers. Each one is bound matchbook style with a foot and a half of accordion folded paper inside. All nine come packaged in a muslin drawstring bag. {via mint}
The type juxtaposition in Delicious Design League’s Masculine Feminine print are a dream. {via SeeSaw Designs}
Not that a minor means much in college these days, but I happen to have one in art history. There was a time when I considered going after it full steam ahead, but let’s face it – there aren’t a lot of art museum curating jobs out there and that’s what I would have been gunning after.
For now I’d be content with this Art History print by Vuk Vidor. On each line Vidor links an artist to their cultural impact in three words, over thirty in all. My favorite? {via design milk}
Posted In printsTotally crushing on these vintage menus from the New York Public Library’s digital archives. You can order prints, framed or not, or print them out yourself for free! {via the kitchn}
I’m freakishly organized when it comes to notes and ideas. I have several journals and notebooks I use for different subjects: design, quotes, future projects, etc. I know, I’m weird. When I saw Moleskine’s Passion Books I felt completely indulged. And a little less weird. Choose from Book, Film, Music, Wine, Wellness and Recipe journals to keep track of the things you want to be keeping track of. Each cover is even embossed with a collage pertaining to the journal’s theme. {via simple blueprint}
Born out of an early love of all things paper and the thrill of handmade notes, Ginko Papers is a handpicked treasure trove of goodies. Everything from rolls of Japanese tape to colorful letter sets to the sweetest little zippered pouches. For this week’s giveaway, Ginko Papers is putting a $25 give certificate up for grabs!
To Enter, Tell Me:
1. Ginko Papers is heavily influenced by Japan. If you could visit any country that you’ve never set foot in before, what would it be?
2. Your email address.
3. Do it all before Monday, March 29th at 9am CST.
Please leave only one comment. Those who do not leave a valid email address will be disqualified. Winner will be selected randomly and contacted Monday, March 29th.
Posted In paper goods, win itThese graphic-heavy posters of awesome (AKA City Posters) from The Heads of State (AKA Jason Kernevich and Dustin Summers) have been popping up around the web for the past week or so, but there’s no way I could pass up sharing them. As it stands Miami, NYC, Seattle, Philadelphia, Chicago, San Francisco, Phoenix and D.C. are covered. Wondering how long it will take them to make one for Oklahoma City? Never gonna happen.
I’ve kept my eye on pingg ever since their debut. And now that they’re offering a Designer Series from artists like the lovely Lisa Rupp I’m even more on board. Beautiful work, Lisa! {via That’s Happy}
I’m going all kinds of ape over these minimalist Stephen King movie posters designed by Nick Tassone. Love those muted colors. Some posters are now available for pre-order as prints in his shop, Rocket Park.