Picnic Set.

After tons of rain yesterday including a flooded front yard today is gorgeous! I woke up at 6:30 to find the sun already peeking over the horizon, blue skies and birds chirping. Spring is literally sitting on the doorstep waiting to be invited in.

I’ve never been a big picnic person, but I’m hoping to change that once things dry up. In no small part thanks to this picnic set by Carina Ahlburg that I just can’t get enough of.


Sky Planters.

It’s official! I’ve got spring on my mind and all that comes with it. Quality time spent outdoors, patio parties with friends and all things green. In the meantime I’d settle for a few of these Sky Planters indoors. Fresh herbs in the kitchen? Yes, please!



Bin is two parts: cylinder and lid. No mechanisms or levers. Nothing besides the genius of Shigeichiro Takeuchi. {via swissmiss}



Kite creates such a pretty illusion of flight and weightlessness. I tend to push things to the limit though, so I’m wondering how much weight it can actually support.



Loving the organic design of the Cocoon. Plant herbs in the top half and store fresh fruit in the cubby on the bottom. Because it’s made of clay, water is easily absorbed and during the evaporation process it keeps things nice and cool. I have the perfect place for one. {via Design Milk}



THERMOS Kanne by Jorg Boner is designed with being on the go in mind. Two mugs fit neatly under a strap until needed. Then the elastic strap itself turns into a handle, in effect converting the entire thermos into a carafe. Brilliant. {via swissmiss}


Pretty Vases.

I’ve been on the hunt for a vase that does its job or is okay with just sitting there and looking pretty. Yesterday I picked up a ceramic one that is tall, slender and adorned with a white on white raised honeycomb pattern. It’s new home in on my mantel.

But then I saw these. They’re actually called Pretty Vases. And I love the bold, bright colors paired with the unconventional pipe-mimicking design.