
I love the egg-like shape of the OvoPur, an eco-friendly water filter. There’s also the OvoBar, a beverage dispenser for whatever you choose. How gorgeous would either of these look sitting on your counter? Very.


The Perfect Bag.

Last Wednesday night, after hours of whittling down my packing list for Alt, I managed to cram everything into a carry-on bag. And came to the maddening conclusion that I have become a high-maintenance traveler. I was in Salt Lake City for just over 48 hours, how in the world could I require more than would fit in a carry-on?!

And then I saw this. The Perfect Bag. (No, seriously, that’s really what it’s called!) And I decided that if this were my bag I could make two weeks worth of stuff fit inside just to have the pleasure of toting around something so chic. Hop on over and take the 360º tour. {seen on Neatorama}



I mentioned possibiliTrees last December and still can’t get over their brilliant architectural design. Not only is this tree a great alternative to real and faux varieties, but also really easy to fold up and store. A major bonus in a world where square footage is highly valued. Each tree is handmade with care by the family business in Minnesota and comes in 2, 3 and 6″ models.


Coffee Time Coffeeset.

The functionality of the Coffee Time Coffeeset is awesome. Designed by Elise Berthier, the porcelain set of six coffee cups and stirrers comes with its own serving tray. The cup lids keep the coffee warm and then offer the dual function as saucers. And it’s compact, making it perfect for apartment living where cupboard space is so scarce!


Modern Genealogy.

At one point or another I’m willing to bet you had to put together a family tree. I was in the 3rd grade.. And I can still remember sitting on the hallway floor outside of the bathroom while my mother got ready for work and grilling her about her huge side of the family. I don’t remember much else, but I guarantee that the end result looked nothing like these stunning modern genealogy charts over at My Tree and Me. (Definitely another item destined for my ever-expanding Christmas List!) {via Design*Sponge}


Container DS.

Always wanted an industrial freight container-inspired piece of furniture in your home? Look no further, let me introduce you to Container DS by Kuno Nüssli. You can even stack a few or outfit them with legs and wheels. No matter the spin, it’s great design.


Reflect Mirror.

I love the seemingly obvious, yet absolutely brilliant twist in this design. The perfect piece to hang inside my entry way. I’ll take one Reflect Mirror, the black please!

The reflect mirror with its 90° angle can be used as a tray to place your keys, sun glasses, jewelries, coins etc so that you won’t forget to take them with you after checking yourself out in the mirror. For men, the angled portion of the mirror allows you to see below your chin when shaving, which can come in handy as well. Also, with a total of 8 holes on the rear of each mirror, reflect mirror can be placed almost anywhere on the wall, including corners.