2011 Non-Goals

{via ffffound}

What is it about the new year that makes us take stock of our lives and ourselves? Time inevitably moves forward no matter what we do, but there’s just something about throwing the old calendar out and starting the new that makes us all take a closer look. After making my yearly goals (not resolutions) I found myself reading Erin‘s post about the exact opposite – non-goals. And I started thinking about the things that I manage to accomplish fairly well and would hate to change about myself.

  1. Keep finding amazing friends. You have a knack for knowing who you’re going to gel with immediately.
  2. Keep putting family first. They’re always there for you in the end.
  3. Keep having a soft spot for animals. They need you just as much as you need them.
  4. Keep up with the mad organization skills. They always pay off.
  5. Keep on learning, even from the most down and out circumstances. Life is a series of lessons.
  6. Keep trusting. (Maybe just listen to your gut a little more this year.)
  7. Keep taking risks. Even when they seem like safe bets to others.
  8. Keep taking naps. You’re really, really good at them.
  9. Keep staying true to yourself.
  10. Keep not settling. You’ll only regret it if you do.

What things about yourself are A-OK by you?


Monday Goodness: Onward & Upward

Christopher David Ryan

Happy first Monday of 2011! I hope your year is off to a rousing start. This week is going to be a bit front heavy I’m afraid, Wednesday I’ll be heading back (once again) to Pennsylvania for Orthodox Christmas. That means things should officially be back to normal around here beginning next Monday. I can’t wait.


Here’s to 2011.

Adam J. Kurtz
via Have and Hold

Truth be told I had some bigger things planned for New Years on the blog but, well, life sort of got in the way. (As life tends to do.) You might recall that in past years I’ve been a staunchly anti-resolution girl. And I can’t say that that’s changed for 2011. What I can say is that I have some things I want to pay a little bit more attention to.

1. Volunteer more often.
2. Get a new hobby. Like boxing.
3. Become involved in more creative collaborations.

That’s it. Three things. Three things that I actually want to do. And with that… beat it 2010. You sort of sucked.

PS: Thanks for hanging around for another year and reading Design Crush. It brings me more joy than you know!


Merry Christmas.

Andrew Bannecker

I’m signing out for the week and heading home to the snowy hills of Pittsburgh for Christmas! Plenty of time will be spent going to old haunts, visiting with friends, and spending QT with the family. Blogging will be a little spotty over the next few weeks, but I’ll be popping in here and there. Until next time, have a splendid holiday no matter your plans. Take some time for yourself, enjoy the magic this time of year brings, and don’t forget to smile.


Happy Weekend.

Anna Grapes

+ What a clever idea, a holiday Sputnik mobile.

+ Have you seen this art made entirely out of typewriter letters and punctuation marks? Genius.

+ Cute holiday cookie stencils to download.

+ Thinking about this recipe for Bacon and Egg Soup!

+ If you’re late on your holiday cards maybe consider sending out Happy New Year cards instead.

+ Check out The Twelve Terrors of Christmas by John Updike and Edward Gorey. Love it.

+ Really want to check out this bar.

+ I’ve been reading this poem almost daily for the past two weeks.

+ Love this father/son art blog.

+ Pouring through this from What Katie Ate.

Happy Weekend!


On the Rocks: Eggnog.

People are either strictly pro or strictly con when it comes to eggnog, and I can see why. Raw eggs? Not so appealing. I reside firmly in the pro category, but have yet to make my own. I’ve been doing a little research on some not so typical versions of this classic holiday beverage and here’s what I’ve come up with. As always, just click on the photos to view the recipe source.