The Daily Eat: French Onion Soup.

Remember yesterday (and the day before) how I was gushing about spring finally being here to stay? Yeah, well it lied to me. Today is overcast with a high in the 50s. The kicker is that this weather is supposed to stick around all weekend before raining Sunday. So for this, French Onion Soup is in order. Nothing like some comfort food to beat the blues!

:: recipe and image via Cookography


this water.

this water is simple: a blend of pure fruit juices, crushed fruit and pure spring water. I love the fun, whimsical feeling of the label for something so honestly simple. Has anyone seen this beverage in stores outside of the UK?

:: via The Dieline


Fol.d Chair.

Patrick Jouin brings us an updated folding chair with his fol.d chair for XO. The seat slides up instead of folding! I love this as an option for extra seating instead of the old metal variety.


On the Rocks: Sangria.

Another thing in honor of spring finally deciding to stick around for good: Sangria! It just begs to be sipped outside on a warm evening.

– 2 bottles + 2 cups of inexpensive red wine
(ex. Charles Shaw from Trader Joe’s)
– 5 cans Pellegrino Limonata
– 2 1/2 cups Dark Rum
– 1 cup Cointreau (or Triple Sec)
– 1/2 cup Apple Schnapps
– 4 tsp sugar
– Ice
– Chopped fruit (apples, oranges, lemons – use what’s in season)
– Cinnamon Sticks

Fill a large pitcher or punch bowl 2/3 full with ice. Add wine and Pellegrino Limonata. Add in liquors, fruit, sugar, and cinnamon sticks. Stir vigorously with a wooden spoon. Test taste. If not sweet enough add another tablespoon of sugar. If it tastes too much like liquor add more Pellegrino Limonata. If it is too sweet add more wine.

:: recipe and image via yumsugar



The Plantorb is fantastic! The hanging ceramic orb is 8″ in diameter with a 28” long woven sisal cord. As much as I would love to plant something in this, I think I would love even more to hang one inside my front door to throw my keys and sunglasses into when I get home.


Dear Deer.

I have a confession: I’m not a fan of the antler craze.

Or I should say I wasn’t a fan. Because after seeing Dear Deer I may be a convert. I think it has something to do with being able to customize the piece with branches, flowers, etc and update whenever the mood strikes. Oh, and the fact that it’s not real antlers or faux antlers is a plus, too. I like the imagination behind it all.

:: via Roadside Scholar