Peanut Butter + Pumpkin Dog Treats

I’ve never baked for a pet before. But then I stopped and thought about how I’m trying to eat healthier, why not the dog too? I had so much fun making these treats and Piper is absolutely gaga over them. (I even tried one myself, but it only tasted like a cracker.) I don’t like using my rolling pin, but the dough was sturdy and really easy to work with.


Peanut Butter + Pumpkin Dog Treats

• 2 1/2 C whole wheat flour
• 2 eggs
• 3/4 C pumpkin puree
• 3 Tbsp all-natural peanut butter

Preheat oven to 350°F. Place all ingredients in the mixing bowl of a stand mixer, use your paddle attachment. Mix on low for about a minute or until the dough starts to come together. It won’t be one big ball yet, but a bunch of smaller ones. Turn out dough onto a lightly floured surface. Work it together into a large ball, then roll it out to about 1/4″ thickness. You can use a cookie cutter for shapes or a knife to cut strips. (I used a 1″ 2-sided biscuit cutter.) Roll out the scraps again and again until there’s not enough dough left to work with. Place the treats on a baking sheet lightly coated with cooking spray. They don’t expand, so 1/2″ between treats is enough. Bake 30 minutes. Let cool completely. Makes 75+ 1″ treats.


Fluffy Raspberry Mousse

I can’t think of a more favorite summer dessert than this fluffy mousse, my grandma used to make it for me when I was a kid. It’s perfectly light and airy, couldn’t be easier, and if made with the right version of ingredients not all that bad for you.


Fluffy Raspberry Mousse

• 1 C near boiling water
• 3 oz package raspberry Jello (Or any flavor, really. I used sugar-free.)
• 8 oz cream cheese (I used fat free)
• 1 container Cool Whip (Again, I used fat free)

In a small bowl, combine near boiling water and Jello. Stir until dissolved, then set aside to slightly cool. In a medium bowl use a hand mixer to beat cream cheese until light and fluffy. Pour Jello water into cream cheese, carefully mix on low until there are no lumps. Allow mixture to cool to room temperature, then fold Cool Whip in. (This takes longer than any other step, they take a few minutes to incorporate together.) Cover with plastic wrap or lid and refrigerate for two hours, then serve.

Pro Tips:
1. Layer between graham crackers before refrigerating for a yummy icebox cake.
2. Add cottage cheese before refrigerating for some texture.
3. Chop up some corresponding fresh fruit to mix in.
4. Crush up some graham crackers and sprinkle on top when served.


Happy Weekend


01/ This week’s theme appears to be all things geometric, like these painted teacup planters.
02/ The Turducken of cheese balls!
03/ Rad overhead photographs form Alex MaLean.
04/ Cinco de Mayo isn’t too far away, check out these DIY geometric flag garlands!
05/ Make a sweet paper flower branch candelabra for your dining table.
06/ And here’s a more versatile downloadable geometric garland.
07/ Oh you know, just a full-sized projected laser keyboard. No biggie.
08/ One of the only things that can make cheese look better – this puzzle tray.
09/ I might eat my sushi more slowly if it were wrapped in this delicate laser cut seaweed.
10/ A countertop coffee brewer, yes!


Strawberry Balsamic Spritz

This all started with me wanting to make simple syrup. And it ended with me creating this cocktail to use the simple syrup in. And those red raspberries? Yeah, I didn’t have any strawberries when it came time to take photos. Regardless, a highly recommended cocktail!


Strawberry Balsamic Spritz

• 1 1/2 oz strawberry balsamic simple syrup
• 1 1/2 oz gin (I used Hendrick’s)
• splash of seltzer
• berries for garnish

Super simple and tough to mess up. Combine the simple syrup and gin in a tumbler, use a swizzle to stir together. If you want a stronger cocktail stop right here. Otherwise, add a splash of seltzer for fizz and toss in a few berries for color and texture. DONE.



Happy Weekend


01/  Homemade Peeps!
02/ Spicy Roasted Pineapple Lemon/Limeade – YUM!
03/ Mooo is at it again with 12 pages of Easter downloads
04/ I heart Mark Bittman, check out his Everyday, Anytime Egg-Combination Generator!
05/ Bring home the disco with mirrored subway tiles
06/ Looking forward to the release of Mrs. Lilien’s Cocktail Swatchbook May 29th
07/ You need to be following this beautiful Instagram series – Life with SMS – by Ryan Marshall
08/ Love these watercolor Easter eggs
09/ Ever think about cross-stitching your screen door?


Snap, Crackle, Pop

As a kid, Rice Krispies Treats were sort of the be all end all of classroom birthday treats. We only made them about once a year at home, so it was always extra special for me. Lately I’ve been noticing a trend of dressed up RKTs that are a little more adultified, if you will. Browned butter, dark chocolate ganache, macadamia nuts – endless possibility! You’ll also notice different variations on crispy/crispies/krispy/krispies throughout that left me looking up the correct spelling of the cereal. Hope you find at least one recipe that takes you back to simpler times in a kicked up way. (Click on the image to be taken to the recipe and source.)
















All photos and recipes copyright of their respective source unless otherwise noted.


Cinnamon Raisin Soda Bread

Making bread has always intimidated me. The raising, the waiting, the yeast. I was so intimidated, in fact, that I didn’t even consider the types of bread that don’t have those requirements. I’d been eyeing soda bread for a few weeks and finally decided to bite the bullet last weekend, just in time for St. Patrick’s Day. This isn’t any one recipe that I came across, but a conglomeration of several with a few of my own twists. The end result didn’t turn out as round as I would have liked, but the flavor more than made up for it. And that’s all that really counts in my kitchen.


Cinnamon Raisin Soda Bread

• 3 C all-purpose flour
• 1 C wheat flour
• 1 tsp salt
• 3 Tbsp sugar
• 1 tsp cinnamon
• 1 tsp baking soda
• 4 Tbsp cold butter, diced
• 1 C raisins (I used golden)
• 2 C buttermilk
• 1/2 tsp vanilla
• 2 eggs
• cinnamon + sugar for topping

Preheat oven to 425 degrees and grease your dutch over or baking sheet. Combine flours, salt, sugar, cinnamon and baking soda in a large bowl. Cut in diced butter with a pastry cutter or fork until incorporated. Mixture will be mealy. Add raisins and toss to coat. Add buttermilk milk and vanilla with the dry ingredients. Add 1 beaten egg as well. Mix together with a wooden spoon or sturdy spatula. Turn out onto floured surface and knead until dough just comes together (don’t over handle). Form dough into a ball and place in dutch oven or onto baking sheet. Score bread with an “X” on top using a serrated knife. Brush with the second beaten egg and sprinkle generously with cinnamon sugar. Bake for 35 minutes or until golden brown. Once done, remove and let cool on a wire rack. I served mine with a generous pat of Kerrygold butter and oh my word.


Happy Weekend


01/ DIY concrete candleholders
02/ Time to dress up the feet on your Ikea couch
03/ Now these are some good looking funnels
04/ The best invitation to speak ever
05/ Shelves that look like natural stone
06/ Jaw-dropping floral art
07/ Military-inspired medals featuring animals
08/ Paint-dipped chopsticks
09/ Ginger coffee? I’m intrigued
10/ Such a great take on the ever-popular chevron wall


Almond Orange Breakfast Muesli

Muesli was a foreign concept to me until recently. I knew I loved oatmeal, especially the steel cut variety, but I had no clue you could eat it cold! I’d spotted some recipes here and there, but I never seemed to have all of the ingredients on hand at the same time. I finally took things into my own hands last weekend and came up with this concoction. The end result was nutty, chewy, and super filling. And it was at least six hours before the thought of eating again crossed my mind – perfect for this afternoon snacker!


Almond Orange Breakfast Muesli

• 1 cup steel cut oats
• 1 cup milk (regular, soy, almond, etc.)
• 1/4 C orange juice  (unless you use regular milk, then replace with 1/2 tsp orange extract)
• 1/2 tsp cinnamon or all-spice
• 1/4 tsp ginger
• 1/4 tsp almond extract
• 1/4 tsp vanilla extract
• drizzle of honey

This couldn’t be simpler, you just need to plan ahead because everything needs to sit together in an airtight container for 10-12 hours. (You can replace the steel cut oats with instant for instant satisfaction!) Combine all of your ingredients in a bowl that can be covered or a jar with a lid. Refrigerate 10-12 hours. AND THAT’S IT.

The next morning remove your muesli from the fridge and serve up a portion. Drizzle a little more honey over the top and add some fruit. If things seem a little dry try adding a little more milk. You can dig in then and there or pop it in the microwave for 30 seconds to bring things up to room temperature. I’ve found this recipe to yield about 3 servings, like I said it’s seriously filling! But if you’d like to make more or less just go with the 1:1 ratio of oats to milk and you’ll be fine.


Happy (St. Patrick’s Day) Weekend


01/ umbrellas as lampshades!
02/ make your own lawn games
03/ turn your kettle grill into a pizza oven!
04/ recycle a vintage tablecloth with this letter decor project
05/ fringe tassel garland for your next get together
06/ little DIY geometric boxes
07/ gorgeous animals painted in ink by George Boorujy
08/ pretty dyed simple syrups
09/ DIY these etched Missoni-inspired glasses
10/ can’t stop thinking about these sweet twiggy hairclips