The Daily Eat: Mushroom Ravioli.

{recipe and photo via These Days}

I’m pro cooked mushrooms and anti raw ones. But I do love the little guys and I hope you love Mushroom Week!

I’m not a pasta maker. I’d like to think I could be if I really set my mind to it, but as of today I haven’t. So my thought is that I’d substitute wonton wrappers for the homemade pasta in these Mushroom Ravioli. I’m sorry, Die-Hard Pasta Makers, but that’s just my style!


The Daily Eat: Warm Strawberry Crumb Cake + Strawberry Roundup.

I’m quite literally salivating as I look at this Warm Strawberry Crumb Cake. Cake batter mixed with fresh strawberries and baked until the fruit is all warm and jam-like… what’s not to love?

:: recipe and photo via Food & Wine


The Daily Eat: Fresh Strawberry Bars.

I knew the day would come, I just wasn’t sure when. This week we have our first repeat offender on The Daily Eat – strawberries! They’re one of my very favorite summer foods and I have too many tasty recipes bookmarked not to share them with you. Besides, they’re in the prime of their season and we should all take advantage! I hope you enjoy Strawberry Week 2.0!

Fresh Strawberry Bars that let a strawberry be a strawberry without taking away from or adding to its natural goodness. These bars are really easy and I think it would be a snap to switch out the top for different berries!

:: recipe and photo via Better Homes & Gardens


The Daily Eat: Apricot Chiffon Pie + Apricot Round Up.

My grandmother is a pro at chiffon pies, which is quite possibly why they’re really the only type of pie that I like. Her specialties were peach and strawberry, but I’m thinking this Apricot Chiffon Pie is worth a shot, too!

:: recipe and photo via Martha Stewart

Fridays are quickly turning into my favorite day for The Daily Eat – I love sharing all these extra recipes with you!