Crackery Crockery.

Castoff plates are one of my favorite re-purposed things. Crackery Crockery gives them new life by filling the cracks and chips with 24K gold, then embellishing them with hand-made enamel floral transfers that “grow” out of the damaged crack.


Bake It Pretty.

Meet Bake It Pretty. A shop devoted to inspired baking supplies and adornments. Within the walls of her shop, owner Amanda has managed to include not only one but two of my vices: pretty packaging and nostalgic candy. The only question is which to order first!


Herb Keeper.

I love having fresh herbs to cook with in my kitchen. Unfortunately I’m not growing any myself at the moment, but I do buy them at the grocery store with the roots still intact. The problem is that I never ever use them all at once and despite my best efforts to keep the little guys fresh and alive I always fail.

Enter the Herb Keeper. Iteep fresh herbs or asparagus crisp and green longer than refrigeration by immersing the stems in water. Large capacity keeper fits in most refrigerator doors.


SIGG Snack Boxes.

As if their incredible aluminum bottles weren’t enough, SIGG now offers these too good to be true Snack Boxes. Made out of the same aluminum as the bottles, the rubber seal and snap locks on these sardine-like containers keep everything fresh and leak free. Personally, I’d like to put them to work in my studio for storing small odds and ends!



I was hard-pressed to choose only a few pieces from LoucheLab to share in this post. When you check out their etsy shop you’ll realize the ones I ended up with are all from the first page. Of six. Everything is just that good. Can I just settle this by saying I’ll take one of everything?

:: via The Bedlam of Beefy