Hey There, 2012

PHOTO: hownowdesign

I chose this photo for this post a few weeks ago. Back when my stepdad’s mom was in the hospital for what we thought was going to be a quick bout with gallstones. Now as I type this we’re several weeks later, Betty’s been in the ICU for awhile, and I’m heading back to Pennsylvania a day after returning from Christmas because they don’t expect she’ll make it through the weekend. I guess I just wanted to let you know that it’s a really tough time around here right now, and my blogging break is going to be extended another week or so. I haven’t had time to get any guest posts together to fill in for me, but I think you understand. Family first, always. xo


Happy Holidays, From Me to You

IMAGE: Kelly Beall for Design Crush

As of tonight I’ll be home sweet home in Pittsburgh, shacked up for the holidays! I only manage to get back and visit once a year, so it’s never really a break with all of the running around to meet up with different friends and family. But after the fact I always feel like I’ve been rejuvenated in a way I didn’t even knew I needed. So with that I bid you a fond farewell for the next week because this girl is taking a much needed blog break. I wish you all the best of the season and the happiest of holidays! xo


Family Cookbook

I’m all over this idea of gifting a family cookbook. All over it. Anjali gave hers out as favors at her wedding, but I’m picturing a book full of my family’s favorite holiday recipes. Everything from main courses to cookies to the breakfast casserole we’ve eaten every Christmas morning for as long as I can remember. In fact, I think I’ll get started after the New Year of designing separate ones for both my dad’s and mom’s sides of the family. (via the kitchn)