Fol.d Chair.
Patrick Jouin brings us an updated folding chair with his fol.d chair for XO. The seat slides up instead of folding! I love this as an option for extra seating instead of the old metal variety.
Patrick Jouin brings us an updated folding chair with his fol.d chair for XO. The seat slides up instead of folding! I love this as an option for extra seating instead of the old metal variety.
Another astounding piece. This one – The Wolfman – all animation and a great little story with the perfect narration and music. (Thanks Zenya!)
That’s right folks, Privacy Urinals. Two words I never thought I’d actually type together on my blog. But when looking at design you need to be unbiased, so there you have it! Thanks to designer Mark Rock the boys (no pun intended) can enjoy a little more coverage and great design at the same time.
:: via Boing Boing
Posted In grand designThese Little Yoghurt and Orange Blossom Cakes look amazing. I’m sure a fork wouldn’t be involved in my serving – all fingers, all the time!
:: recipe and image via Milk and Cookies
Posted In recipes
I’m semi-obsessed with this Gatorade commercial lately. All because of the way it was shot. Love it.
I’m loving the photography of Chicago-based Daniel Everett. He definitely has a knack for capturing desolate locations and making them feel alive with invisible energy. Well, that’s my take on it anyway and I’m sticking with it! My favorite? His Disconnect series of Polaroids.
Posted In create, photographyAnother thing in honor of spring finally deciding to stick around for good: Sangria! It just begs to be sipped outside on a warm evening.
– 2 bottles + 2 cups of inexpensive red wine
(ex. Charles Shaw from Trader Joe’s)
– 5 cans Pellegrino Limonata
– 2 1/2 cups Dark Rum
– 1 cup Cointreau (or Triple Sec)
– 1/2 cup Apple Schnapps
– 4 tsp sugar
– Ice
– Chopped fruit (apples, oranges, lemons – use what’s in season)
– Cinnamon Sticks
Fill a large pitcher or punch bowl 2/3 full with ice. Add wine and Pellegrino Limonata. Add in liquors, fruit, sugar, and cinnamon sticks. Stir vigorously with a wooden spoon. Test taste. If not sweet enough add another tablespoon of sugar. If it tastes too much like liquor add more Pellegrino Limonata. If it is too sweet add more wine.
:: recipe and image via yumsugar
Posted In cocktailsAs a designer I’m forever looking for ways to get more hands-on with my work. To take it out of the computer and make it more about the process. In portfolio school I not only created a piece of “stained glass” with my headline embedded in the art, but I also dabbled in actual graffiti for another ad in the same campaign. It’s just so much more satisfying to create something tangible with your own two hands that takes on additional value when you’re actually paid to do it.
Fingerprint is about just that.
A new approach to design is gaining momentum as more and more designers seek to combine the power of the computer with the personal qualities of hand-made elements. Fingerprint offers insight into this fusion of the digital and the hand-wrought, with dozens of examples of some of the best work in the industry, including design that includes hand-lettering elements and design that incorporates collage.
Posted In graphic design, read up