MAD Fold-Ins.
Al Jaffee’s fold-ins for Mad magazine, from the 1960s to the present, in interactive form.
Posted In onlineAl Jaffee’s fold-ins for Mad magazine, from the 1960s to the present, in interactive form.
Posted In onlineI’d love to get my hands on a copy of Paul Lowe’s (of Sweet Paul fame) Slurp: Drinks and Light Fare, All Day, All Night. Full of recipes for both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages as well as suggested pairings to munch on while sipping away. The book covers all three daily meals and even hangover remedies for the day after you use the book! Nice touch.
Fried pies are a big deal here in Oklahoma for some reason. Probably because they’re delicious and one glance their way can clog an artery or two. Here’s an apple version for those of you brave enough to try them out!
:: photo and recipe via Food on the Food
Posted In recipesDesigner Sarah Finn takes the thinnest of veneers, and laser cuts them into two distinctive patterns for these incredible napkin rings – one with stars and the other with small “s” incisions. Each pattern is available in two different woods – a reddish mahogany and a white maple. They come in sets of six, flat-packed because you bend them into shape yourself. (If you look close enough you can see the little tabs…)
:: via Create My Event
Posted In kitchenAt least this is the motto I’m going to attempt to work with throughout another week of work craziness.
PS: Happy Belated Mother’s Day to all you mommas out there!
:: photo via ffffound
Posted In monday goodnessThis week has been crazy, but I think I’m beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel – both with work and the mono. I wish my weekend were filled with a backyard soiree like this one, but it isn’t. My plans do include shopping with a friend tomorrow afternoon, house hunting and enjoying the beautiful weather. Not bad by any standards!
Happy Weekend!
:: photo via Snippet & Ink
Posted In happy weekendRaspberry Lemon Baked French Toast that just might be perfect for Mother’s Day brunch.
:: photo and recipe via eggs on sunday
Posted In recipesAfter reading Marie Antoinette: The Journey I know that M.A. never really said “Let them eat cake.” But a girl can go on hoping and at least framing and hanging this lovely print in her own Versailles.
:: via Miss Jane
Posted In paper goods, postersI have a *slight* obsession with office products, so when I saw these Post-it Sheer Colors this morning I flipped. Genius way to improve and expand the market of these indispensable office supplies. If they had been around when I was in college I would have gotten a lot more moola back on my re-sales at the end of the semester!
:: via Cool Hunting
Posted In officeThat’s how I feel this afternoon. Like I’m back in (public, not catholic) high school watching the clock slowly make its rotation and waiting for the final bell. I’m busy, but these past few hours have been creeping by!
:: photo via ffffound
Posted In just a note