IntelligentFirstAid Talking Kit.

I’d like to consider myself a fairly rational and calm person. (Although I’m not sure others who know me would agree. Hmm.) All that can go out the window in an instant though when there’s a medical emergency happening right. in. front. of. you.

The IntelligentFirstAid “talking” kit, designed by medical and educational experts, combines supplies, visual instruction cards and now an audio module for verbal guidance to manage the most common injuries. The kit is separated into individually labeled and color-coded injury packs so the user has all the supplies and easy to follow instructions for managing a specific injury. The audio module in each injury card takes the technology a step further. By the squeeze of a button, the module narrates step-by-step instructions to manage the injury, pausing and repeating when necessary for accurate response.

Really, really smart design at work. And it has a shoulder strap!

:: via Cool Hunting

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