Happy Weekend.
This week started off absolutely nuts thanks to the furry ones who live at my house. Monday Piper had her maiden voyage to the vet where I found out she’s already been fixed (hoorah!) and in great shape. Immediately after returning home, Roxy began vomiting profusely and didn’t eat or drink for close to 24 hours. Prompting another trip to the vet and a day of worry. Thankfully, she’s fine and it was nothing the vet couldn’t fix with a little procedure. Since then it’s been smooth sailing. Last night I saw (500) Days of Summer and this weekend is showing promise!
This Weekend:
• craft night at my house
• trip to the dog park
• out for C’s birthday
• mail L’s birthday box
• clean
Note: Remember, you only have until Monday at 9am CST to enter the Louella Press giveaway!
Happy Weekend!
Posted In happy weekend