Kitchen Help.
They say that cooking is an art, while baking is a science. I tend to lean towards the baking side of the spectrum, so being precise is big deal in my kitchen. Measurements, specific temperatures, baking soda versus baking powder. I love all of it. I’m a precise kind of girl by nature, really. Here are a few kitchen guides that have caught my eye lately.
Apron Guides. An entire apron full of useful information designed by John Caswell. Numeric conversions, cooking times for vegetables, roasting times for birds, freezing instructions, defrosting times, a cooking glossary and more right at your fingertips. And oriented so that you can pick up the hem in a pinch.
Cheat Sheet Placemat. A great way to teach kids to help out at the table. Or, if you’re like me, to teach yourself. Cotton and machine-washable for use time and time again. {via bltd}
Pastry Board. I’m currently trying to master the perfect pie crust, so the diameter measurements would greatly help me out and save lots of time. You can use the reverse side for chopping. It’s made from sustainable North American Birch, which makes you feel like you’re doing some good while getting a great product. {via design is mine}
2 by Design
September 9, 2010 at 8:22 pmWhat are the chances any of these would make it possible for me NOT to burn toast? Quick, someone tell my husband we've found a cure!
September 9, 2010 at 8:34 pmOh! That pastry board would be perfect for rolling out the right sized fondant for my wedding cakes, too. Fabulous!
September 9, 2010 at 9:15 pmi have that pastry board! LOVE it. super helpful when i made a cherry pie.
Content in a Cottage
September 10, 2010 at 3:17 pmI got one of those pastry boards at a garage sale for $1.00 and didn't realize it was such a find. I'm seeing it with new eyes now. Thanks. I knew it was nice and I don't think it was ever used. I think I will make a pie today.