Round Up: Holiday GIft Tags.

Besides the actual buying of gifts my favorite part of getting prepared for the holidays isn’t wrapping paper or bows. It’s not even the cards in the mail. It’s gift tags. I can’t get enough of them and this year is no exception. Here’s a round up of my favorites from around the web-o-sphere this season.

Happy Holidays tags from Pictures of Lily

Holiday Gocco gift tags by things are better with a parrot

Partridge gift tags by Sycamore Street Press

Graphic number gift tags by Sugarcube Design

Joy tags from Jane Says


Coke Side of Life.

I came across this series of Coke posters in the Coke Side of Life campaign today and fell in love with them. Apparently only the first one was actually used. Wish they were for sale because I’d love to have a set. What a great color palette!


Drink Away the Art.

Art museums are some of my favorite places in the world and I can appreciate the occasional gallery as well. One thing that has always irked me is the lack of interaction the viewer has with most art. I like to get up close and personal and see what it’s all about, which makes artist Hannes Broeker a man after my own heart. Broeker’s Drink Away the Art exhibition in Dresden, Germany invited viewers to grab a (provided) glass and literally drink away. What I love about this – besides the interaction – is how the viewers are actually helping to create the art as the levels of liquid recede and the frames change.

:: via coolhunter


Round Up: Christmas Cards.

I’m pumped because even though we’ve been in the throws of an ice storm for more than 24 hours my holiday cards are sitting the mailbox awaiting pick-up. Woohoo! There were so many beautiful designs out this season that I wanted to share some of my favorites.


Tina Berning.

Tina Berning is an incredibly gifted German artist whose work I just love. These pieces are from a project entitled 100 Girls on Cheap Paper and is pretty self-explanatory. One hundred girls. One hundred pieces of cheap or found paper. There’s even a book coming out entailing the entire project. Also check out her online diary sketches.


Lunalux Fortune Folio.

Take-out Chinese is my go-to for lunch if I’m A.) too busy to get away from my desk or B.) I have a cold. I’ve amassed quite the collection of fortune slips in the process (My favorite: Let’s finish this up now, someone is waiting for you on that) which end up shoved somewhere on my desk because I can’t bring myself to toss them. The Lunalux fortune folio would be a great cure for my Fortune Disease. There’s a place to attach said fortune as well as spaces to fill in specifics.


paper + cup Photo Cards.

I’m not a big fan of photo cards. I’m firmly against them.

I’m happy to say paper + cup finally got it right for their holiday photo cards. I adore the modern take on something that become very generic and clip-arty. I would happily use any one of their designs, but these are my very favorites. They didn’t stop there though, oh no. You can also customize your photo card as a flat thank you cards and mailing labels. Nice.

PS: Thanks to everyone who left a comment about my useless-ness! Much appreciated. And needed!