Hex Weight

Aren’t these the best paperweights? I feel like just having one or two on my desk would make me feel more organized.


Wine Bottle Candle Holder

Slightly more refined than the actual wine bottles I used to hold candlesticks in college, one might say. These were inspired by the iconic spaghetti dinner scene in Lady and the Tramp, which only makes me love them more.


Happy Weekend

PHOTO: Travis Summer Deuel

01/ I need one of these MiniDocks for my iPhone at night
02/ Frances Bean Cobain is 18 and I am old
03/ a skateboard-eye view of Manhattan
04/ The Cat Scan – yup, cats on scanners
05/ homemade Slurpees!
06/ I Went to MoMA and…
07/ this fool’s gold necklace is so rad
08/ Design Milk is hiring
09/ learn to take better travel photos


Summer Sangrias


I don’t really think think any cocktail says summer quite like sangria. Sure, margaritas are a close second but not quite the same. You need fresh fruit for sangria, and probably a deck or porch of some sort. At the least a picnic blanket (it’s a requirement, I looked it up). Whoever decided the addition of fruit could make wine even better is a genius. [Click on the photos to be taken to the recipe.]











All photos and recipes copyright of their respective source unless otherwise noted.


Macrame Plant Hangers

PHOTO: Heather Moore

I think I’ve mentioned before that I grew up in a row house. That didn’t leave a lot of room for a garden or the plants that my mom wanted around, so she relied on a few macrame plant hangers in front of our living room windows. I wish I could say that these are some revved up modern versions, but they’re not. They’re exactly the same and that’s just what I love. In fact, I think I’m going to make a few for my own living room windows.



Anyone else notice that birds seem to get the best houses? Love these modern structures from burdhaus, designed by Nathan Danials.