:: via danmeth.com
A little disappointed that he neglected Mr. Belvedere and My So-Called Life in my beloved Pittsburgh, but I’m guessing there’s only so much room on a tiny map. Consider them mentally added!
Posted In monday goodnessAnother one of those weeks where the days feel like they’re moving oh so slowly, yet the week itself flies. Sneaky little guys, those ones are. I hope you have lovely plans that include at least a little time for relaxing!
This Weekend:
• snap some pictures of my finally finished china cabinet to post next week(!)
• celebrate Orthodox Easter Sunday
• plan landscaping while enjoying predicted rain
• gather clothing, accessories, etc. and plan Swap Party
• hang out with C
• catch up on 30 Rock and The Office
Happy Weekend!
:: photo via podobycko on deviantART
Posted In happy weekendI love parties. And I adore party games. So it’s pretty hard for me to resist participating in this Blog Hunt from Marta!
I hope you’ll play along.
And give Marta all the credit for her creation, of course!
Link a blogger who…
has an online shop: Patricia at A Little Hut
takes fantastic photographs: Mrs. French at Bliss
has a new baby: Ali from ali loves curtis
has flawless taste: Sweet paul
is unique: Winona at Daddy Likey
has admirable qualities: marta writes
crafts up a storm: LollyChops
is an artist: Elsie at A Beautiful Mess
is intriguing: Caroline at Greedy Girl
you’ve bookmarked: all stripes
lives far away: Courtney at in(side) the loop
is an old favorite: Jessica at How About Orange
is creative: Yasmine at a print a day
features fabulous ideas: Ez at Creature Comforts
features loveliness: Erin at design for mankind
features pretty products: Jordan at Oh Happy Day
features fantasticness: Joslyn at Simple Lovely
features weddings: Abby at Style Me Pretty
writes about life: Ree at The Pioneer Woman
is a daily must see: A Cup of Jo
tells great stories: Amy at Old Sweet Song
is funny: The Lil Bee
is a designer: Ellie at Mint
works a letterpress: simplesong
you are inspired by: Oh So Beautiful Paper
recently added to google reader: Carolynn and Nell at two brunettes
gives fabulous tips: Cassandra at coco+kelley
Like they say, third time’s the charm! Still no response from either the first or second named winners of the Courtney Khail Stationery and Design contest, sooooo it’s time to call out to a third… Kelly of Proficiscamur! Kelly please (please!) email me your contact information and I’ll pass it on to Courtney so we can get those gorgeous peony cards in your hot little hands!