Hairy Sock

Loving these jewelry pieces that capture everyday things from Hairy Sock. I’m so guilty of having a hair elastic around my wrist, I’d probably try to put the bracelet in my hair by accident one day!


Happy Weekend

PHOTO: paperbrigade

01/ a super simple way to display your magazines
02/ ingenius lemon juice sprayer
03/ 12 bottles every home bar should have
04/ planetary chocolates of the solar system
05/ love this artwork/secret storage box
06/ make your mason jar glass a travel mug
07/ cat questions answered in song
08/ modern DIY pasta art/jewelry
09/ learn how to make graphic paper pencils
10/ make an iPad case from a notebook


My Alt Schedule

Remember earlier in the week when I mentioned stopping back for another way to get yourself prepped for next week’s Alt Summit? This is it. The one thing I have trouble with every year is deciding which panels to attend, then remembering what I decided on once each session rolls around. Toss in dinners, drinks, a meetings into the equation and I’m a mess. This is my solution: a downloadable fill-in sheet that you can fold up into quarters and stash in your pocket or purse. Your noggin will be going a mile a minute and only so many decisions can be made on the spot! Get yours right here.


Victorinox Tomo

When I was 16 I was lucky enough to visit Switzerland, and the one thing I bought for myself was a little slate grey Swiss Army knife that goes on your keychain. I still have it and it still occasionally joins my keys. I’m digging the clean design of the Victorinox Tomo above, too.


Rothko Cookies

Confession. I had a print of a Mark Rothko print on my bedroom wall while in college. I was taking so many design and art history classes, and he just seemed very much like the intersection of the two. With that less than tawdry secret out there, I’m loving these Rothko-inspired cookies that Mimi O Chun masterminded. (via CMYBacon)


2012 Alt Summit Wardrobe Planner + Packing List

Last year I created a packing list for myself before heading off to Alt Summit and on a whim shared it with you all. You sort of flipped (in a good way) and I’ve had people asking me if I’m doing another one since October. (Seriously.) Since we’re only about a week and a half away from this year’s event I thought it was about time, so you here you go! Your days and nights are broken down, as are your shoes and accessories. Download your copy right here, and check back later in the week for another way to stay organized in Salt Lake City!