Halloween Ribbon Wreath.
Love, love this idea for a Halloween ribbon wreath. So simple and stylish – especially if you’re not one to go all out for the 31st. I’d actually like to adapt this to other holidays as well!
12″ foam wreath form
24 yards 1 1/4″ black grosgrain ribbon (or less if using a wider ribbon)
Measuring tape
Cut 45-50 16″ pieces of ribbon. Tie one strand of ribbon in a knot around the wreath. I used a “messy knot” — right over left, then right over left again, pulling in the opposite direction. It doesn’t really matter how you do it as long as you are consistent all the way around. Repeat with the knots, pushing them close together, until you fill the wreath. Cut one long piece of ribbon (48″) and tie one end to form a knot. Leave a long loop for hanging and tie another knot onto the wreath. Trim any frayed or long ends.
:: via CasaSugar via the long thread
Posted In halloween, holidays, make it