Happy Weekend

{via have you hugged your monster today?}

+ I really like the idea of having a stamped business card

+ Forget snowmen, stop-motion snow skeletons are where it’s at!

+ A great idea for a copper wall art project

+ Brilliant soap flakes dispenser design

+ The roving Old School Diner

+ Anxious to try out these magic milk straws

+ A free Andy Warhol papertoy!

Happy Weekend!


Happy Weekend.

Victor Eredel

+ Making your own cocktail mixers and packaging them in cool bottles makes for a great hostess gift.

+ This ice skating party looks like so much fun.

+ I love the idea of wood wallpaper.

+ The wrapped packages decorating this branch advent calendar are just begging to be opened.

+ Crazy delicious popcorn ball flavors.

+ These make me want to attempt making a modern gingerbread house!

+ Great illustrated cards from Tad Carpenter.

+ Check out my guest post on unique hotels at Snippet & Ink.

Happy Weekend!


The Gift of Sugar.

I like receiving homemade foodstuffs (weird word, right?) for Christmas, so I imagine others do as well. Cookies, breads, mixes – sure, I’ll take it. But how about taking things a step further, I’m talking about things that someone wouldn’t normally make for themselves. And that something is sugary delicious candy. Perfect to eat at you tiredly write out your holiday cards or just as perfect to set out for company. (As always, click on the photo to be taken to the recipe source.)


Livy’s Village.

Last December I fell unabashedly in love with Livy’s village that was modeled after vintage glitter houses. She constructed the entire thing out of some patterns found online as well as a few her brother drew up. Cereal boxes, acrylic paint, vellum, and mica flakes (among other things) made up her supply list. All kinds of lovely, right?


Handpainted Porcelain.

This past summer I bookmarked a project on A Merry Mishap on how to jazz up white porcelain dishware with a paint pen. Yes, as in those things you can buy for a few bucks at the craft store. Wouldn’t it be great to personalize a platter or large bowl with a design all your own for someone on your gift list? After completing your design you bake it in the oven at 300º for 35 minutes and presto change-o, instant one-of-a-kind.


Homemade Spirits.

I’m only speaking for myself here, but my holiday budget is tighter this year than it’s been in some time. I’m talking pre-career. The nice thing about that is that it’s made me think about the gifts I’m giving even more than I normally would. Starting today I’ll be sharing some ideas for handcrafted gifts to make and give.

Sure, I could buy a friend a bottle of their favorite alcohol at the liquor store, but something homemade might be even better. And cost a little less. And be a little cooler, just think of all the bottling possibilities!


Coffee Liqueur

Cranberry Liqueur


Happy Weekend.


+ If your playing Thanksgiving host you mights like these simple printables: a Thanksgiving paper chain + printable napkin rings + gift bags + all of these

+ Love this paper bag turkey for the kids’ table!

+ Hey designers, know what it takes to make a logo super suck?

+ Yet another idea for my paint chip collection.

+ I want to write myself a futureme.org letter, but am almost too nervous.

+ Quite possibly the best cat calendar I’ve ever seen.

+ Say hello to the Mrs. Shoppe!

+ Genius tutorial on making a modern coffee table out of a wooden pallet.

+ Anxious to try out a modern french tip manicure.

+ Jack Spade’s gift guides are the only ones that made me want to look.

Happy Weekend!