Chocolate Jug.
It’s the perfect time of year for the chocolate jug. The manual blender mixes the chocolate (powder or crushed pieces) and milk producing just the right amount of frothiness. Sounds like chocolatey goodness to me.
It’s the perfect time of year for the chocolate jug. The manual blender mixes the chocolate (powder or crushed pieces) and milk producing just the right amount of frothiness. Sounds like chocolatey goodness to me.
Momspit (inspired by the original). Yup, you read that correctly. I’m not big on hand sanitizers, but this is too cool. It doesn’t contain any alcohol (and isn’t techinically a sanitizer) so it’s safe to use anywhere – even your face. It even moisturizes which I think is my big pet peeve about most hand sanitizers – they dry my skin out like crazy. This I would buy for the name alone. Well, and to pull out when someone has something on their face (“Ooooh, let me get that, dear!). The scents seem amazing: fig/green tea, lemon/white tea and unscented.
With this cocktail I’m introducing a new weekly post to Design Crush. On the Rocks will showcase a new drink each and every Wednesday. (You know, the point in the week where you definitely need to toss one back at the end of the day after work!) I’m constantly on the prowl for my next favorite and thought it might be fun to share and include you all in the fun. So now I give to you the Halloween appropriate Blackberry Widow.
– 1 part vodka
– 2 parts dark grape juice
– 1 teaspoon of raw sugar
– 4 slices of fresh ginger
– 4 blackberries
Garnish: 2 blackberries
In a mixing glass, muddle together blackberries, ginger and sugar, add vodka and dark grape juice. Fill with ice, shake well, and strain into a chilled Martini glass. Garnish with 2 blackberries.
:: photo and recipe via Cocktail Times
Posted In cocktailsLove this candle snuffer by Kurz Kurz that functions like a set of tongs. The only well-designed candle snuffer I’ve ever seen.
These Creepy Crawly Cakes from Megan at notmartha are to die for. They’re chocolate cake filled with vanilla cream and raspberry coulis for lans sakes! And no, I’ve never used that term before in my life.
These Illusion wine glasses are genius! I love the use of negative space and being able to watch the floating wine glass slowly disappear as you drink.
Confession time.
I have a scarf/hat/winter coat fetish.
So much so that when the cold weather finally recedes and it’s time to store my Winter Wear it takes up an entire storage bin. Not including coats. Gulp. I can’t help it! Every winter there’s always some piece(s) that I just have to add to my arsenal against the elements.
So far this year there are two must-haves on my list. The Scoodie and now this No-Knit scarf. Maybe the No-Knit scarf doesn’t even have to count, it being a craft project and all…
Posted In accessories, make it, wear itverē (pronounced “very”) is the most sophisticated pure chocolate imaginable. Rich in cocoa, low in sugar, totally natural and a taste that could go to head to head with the world’s best. By starting with the very best ingredients available – sustainably grown, persicide-free cocoa beans – and sweetening them only slightly to bring out their flavor, verē presents its chocolate in the purest form possible.
I’m ga-ga over verē’s packaging, too. I’ll say it again and again white space is highly under-rated. By using it in this case, verē really is able to show off the beautiful craftsmanship and quality of their product and let it speak for itself.
Posted In food, packagingI’m a big fan of the Wall Cleat from Oboiler. And I desperately need one for my bathroom! Between hair dryer, straightener and electric toothbrush I’m one outlet short of electrical bliss. The Wall Cleat would cleverly keep me from stepping on the stray cord and impaling my foot on the prongs (which I’ve done before). Technology is great, but keep it out of my way!