Inaugural Pictorial.
A beautifully done chronological pictorial covering the events and crowds surrounding Inauguration Day.
A beautifully done chronological pictorial covering the events and crowds surrounding Inauguration Day.
My cheeks hurt. I just can’t stop smiling today. What an amazing feeling!
Posted In quotesPosts will be few and far between today and I try to balance work and inauguration coverage. (I’m such a dork, I could hardly sleep last night because I was so excited about today!!)
:: photo via ffffound
Posted In picture itLet’s hear it for unexpected three day weekends! Monday is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and our office is closed. Fits into the whole it’s-too-cold-and-I-don’t-want-to-leave-my-house mentality I’ve got going on this week.
This Weekend:
• go out with C
• finish the painting I’m working on
• clean house
• wash bedding
• take down outdoor Christmas lights
• watch the Steelers v Ravens game Sunday
Happy Weekend!
See you Tuesday!
:: photo via ffffound
Posted In happy weekendWhy is it that I never seem to fall on the preferable side of this quote?