Monday Goodness: Turkey Vulture.
This made me a laugh. A lot. Okay. A lot, a lot.
:: via ffffound
Posted In monday goodnessThis made me a laugh. A lot. Okay. A lot, a lot.
:: via ffffound
Posted In monday goodnessI apologize for the low number of posts this week, lovelies, but the week flew by in a mad rush and I barely had time to notice until now. Hopefully next week will be a little calmer, a little more low-key. (Unless I’m fooling myself…) Sit back with a cold one of whatever and have a great weekend – see you Monday!
This Weekend:
• adorn my bare walls
• spend some QT with my maternal figure
• continue with Olympic Fe-va
• laundry
• groceries
• catch up on some much needed rest
Happy Weekend!
:: photo via ffffound
Posted In happy weekendFine, I’ll play along with the latest flickr madness. You can, too. Just do a search for the year you were born and see what shows up!
I couldn’t choose just one.
For the Hilarity Factor:
For the Cool Photo Factor:
Although I imagine after a few months it would get a little old…
:: via Neatorama
Posted In monday goodnessI don’t know what’s up with this summer. It always seems like in the past things have gotten lazier, slower and more laid back. Not this year. Almost the opposite has happened: work is busier and life feels, well, faster. And I honestly don’t like it one bit! Does that mean that once summer is over and done with things are going to speed up even more and I’m going to have even less Me Time?
This Weekend:
• the Olympics, which could go unsaid but won’t!
• put together garage shelving
• finish organizing office/studio
• relinquish all holiday decor to aforementioned garage shelving
• grocery shopping
• get rid of final cardboard boxes
Happy 08.08.08!
Happy Weekend!
:: photo via ffffound
Posted In happy weekendI couldn’t be any more excited about the Olympics if I tried. (Actually, I don’t even have to try.) The next few weeks of my life will revolve around watching television and, dammit, I’m not ashamed to admit it!
I like this. Lots. Keri Smith and Maira Kalman are so right on.
:: via Wish Jar
Posted In quotesThis weekend was probably the most productive I’ve had since I moved. I got a bunch of arranging/organizing accomplished. I bought garage shelving, a garden hose and new house numbers at Home Depot. Then I went and took care of some birthday shopping I needed to do for a few friends. Hit up Target for some groceries and house-type things. And even had time to do laundry and grab dinner with my mom and stepdad.
And now today? I’m beat.
:: photo via ffffound
Posted In monday goodnessI couldn’t be happier to see the weekend! It’s not that this past week was bad, just one that didn’t seem to ever want to end. You know the type. The ones that string you along. Maybe it has something to do with this being the second consecutive week the temps have been in the triple digits. Ugh. I’m not built for this sort of heat!
This Weekend:
• organize office/studio
• out with C
• clean out garage
• buy a garden hose(!)
• work on Housewarming Party invites
• dinner with Mom and Bill
• grocery shopping
Happy Weekend!
:: photo via ffffound
Posted In happy weekendApt. #34’s comment read:
“I’d love an a simple design – like a swirl that looks like a rush of wind is pushing across the paper – as if I’m just breezing through but leavin’ this card behind!”
Congrats Apt. #34! You were selected via the Random Number Generator (Maybe you should change your name to Apt. #38 because that was your winning number!). I can hardly wait to see what design Alyson whips up. Just send me an email with your full name and address and she can hop to it.
Thanks once again to everyone who entered! I loved reading all of your calling card ideas. And let’s not forget Alyson at Seventy & Sunny either – thank you!
Posted In win it