Cafe Ladies.
It’s beautiful out this afternoon and I’d give just about anything to be one of these ladies lunching at a little sidewalk cafe. Oh, and to be in Paris. In the 1920s.
Okay, I think that’s it.
:: via ffffound
Posted In just a noteIt’s beautiful out this afternoon and I’d give just about anything to be one of these ladies lunching at a little sidewalk cafe. Oh, and to be in Paris. In the 1920s.
Okay, I think that’s it.
:: via ffffound
Posted In just a noteJust a reminder that you have 25.5 hours left to sign up for Win It: Design for Mankind!
Playing off the idea of inspiration, comment to the original post telling me what in everyday life is your biggest inspiration. I’ll choose my favorite answer. You have until tomorrow (Friday, April 25th, 2008) at 12:00 p.m. CST to enter. I’ll choose the lucky winner of the grape Inspiration poster sometime that afternoon so check back to see if you’re The One!
Posted In win itI couldn’t have more love for Erin of Design for Mankind if I tried, so I’m thrilled to announce Win It: Design for Mankind!
dfm’s Inspiration e-zines have taken the design blog community by storm and spawned a much coveted poster in the process. (Check out Issues 1, 2 and 3 here if you’ve missed them!) Thanks to Erin’s generosity, one lucky Design Crush reader will be the proud owner of one of her awesome posters!
The rules are simple. Playing off the idea of inspiration, comment to this post telling me what in everyday life is your biggest inspiration. I’ll choose my favorite answer. You have until Friday, April 25th, 2008 at 12:00 p.m. CST to enter. Make sure to check back at the end of the week to see if you’re the lucky entry. Good Luck!
I looove me some geography. I’m a freak at knowing where states are located as well as their capitals. I know, I know. Thanks to Freshie & Zero (who has the exact opposite problem I might add) you can download this super fantastic map of the good ‘ol USA for free. It fits just right on an 8.5 x 11″ sheet of paper and I dare say it’s perfectly framable. Thanks Freshie!
Posted In downloads:: via ffffound via dSharp Journal
I’m cutting out of the blogosphere a bit early for the day. Here’s wishing you this kind of weekend.
:: image via flickr
Posted In happy weekendI saw this while browsing my feed reader at lunch and couldn’t resist passing it on.
:: via ffffound
Posted In just a noteSo clever. I love this ad concept.
:: via Old Glutton
Posted In ads, monday goodnessI’m thrilled that it’s the weekend. I know I had a day and half off this week, but I was sick so those clearly don’t count! I plan on spending some time (okay, a lot of time) catching up on things from the past week or so that have gone neglected. And I also plan on resting a lot since I’m still really tired.
Rest and relaxation generally involve reading for me, but I haven’t come across anything worthwhile recently. Any books I need to know about and grab up asap?
Happy weekend!
: photo via ffffound
Posted In happy weekendThank you for your patience during this time of bronchitis and pleurisy (which I didn’t even know people could still get). I thought i was recovering nicely from my bout with what I thought was a flu bug only to be sidelined again Monday afternoon. After some severe back pain, a doctor’s appointment and some nice chest x-rays I’m happy to report that I’m now on the true road to recovery. Thank god for antibiotics!
:: image via ffffound
Posted In just a note