On the Rocks: Blackberry Rum Runner.

It’s overcast and we’re expecting rain this afternoon, but I’m busy picturing myself on a tropical beach sipping on one of these Blackberry Rum Runners.

– 1-1/2 oz rum
– 1/2 oz Banana Liqueur
– Splash of pineapple juice
– Splash of orange juice
– 1/2 oz Monin Blackberry Syrup
– 3 fresh blackberries
– Splash of Sprite

Pour the first five ingredients, along with two of the blackberries, into a cocktail shaker with enough ice to fill a 14-ounce beverage glass. Shake. Pour into beverage glass and top with Sprite. Garnish with the reserved blackberry and a straw.

:: cocktail and image via Cocktail Times


French Industrial Double Bookshelf.

Have I ever mentioned that I adore books? That I have about a gazillion of them? Or that I have a really difficult time getting rid of even the really horrible ones? All true. I think I could solve this pesky problem of mine with the help of a few French Industrial Double Bookshelves. Wouldn’t a wall look fantastic lined with them? It would give things a nice laboratory feeling I’d like to think. Now if I only had a dollar for every book I owned I could afford them!

:: via Roadside Scholar


Alexandre Duret-Lutz.

I try and never post two similar topics back-to-back, but when I came across the work of photographer Alexandre Duret-Lutz this morning I knew I’d have to break that rule. The following pieces are photos he took as part of the Worldwide Panorama Event and are completely and utterly breathtaking. Not only am I in awe of the beauty captured, I also want to know how they were accomplished since I’ve never seen any work similar in nature. If they tickle your fancy make sure and check out Duret-Lutz’s site for many, many more.


Craig Kanarick.

To say that I’m obsessed with Craig Kanarick’s Eye Candy series would be putting things mildly. Kanarick (the original creative force behind Razorfish) took his fascination with candy design and transformed it into a brilliant study in color.


Oxford Landing Wine.

I don’t collect wine labels. But I am guilty of snapping photos of them with my cell at the liquor store, much to the chagrin of anyone accompanying me. There’s just so, so much good design and inspiration on those little stickers that I can’t resist!

The label on the back of Oxford Landing’s wine bottles is brilliant. Tear the little tab off of it as either a reminder of wine you liked and want to buy again or as a keepsake for the occasion. Smart design at work, my friends.

:: link and photos via Noisy Decent Graphics
:: heads up via the always wonderful d.Sharp


Funnel Paper Goods Calling Cards.

Calling cards are such a great thing. I hate making a contact that’s not business related and having to hand them my work card. I’m not saying it’s unattractive by any means because I love them. It’s just sort of, well, my Work Card and I need a Kelly Card, too!

Check out these new card designs by Funnel Paper Goods. Gorgeous.