Hang On Outlet.

Thanks to designer Paula Oh we can all rid ourselves of Power Vampires. You know, those appliances and whatnot that suck electricity even when you’re not actually using them. Her Hang On Outlet encourage you to unplug the little money suckers when not in use by incorporating a notch to hook the plug onto. Gotta love that smart design!

:: via geeksugar


7 Deadly Glasses.

I’d drink my wine out of a Dixie cup if I had to, but these 7 Deadly Glasses certainly provide a more interesting alternative, no?

These red wine glasses are based on the 7 deadly sins. Each glass encapsulates a sin, which is revealed through the ritual of drinking. The ‘7 Deadly Glasses’ are about celebrating passion and encouraging the user to be sinful in a theatrical fashion.

:: via Neatorama


MuNiMulA Wine Tray.

I’m clumsy. I’ve never been a server at a restaurant or bar simply for the fact that I don’t think I could pull off the walking-with-food-and-beverage-laden-tray thing. That’s said, the MuNiMulA Wine Tray is genius. This I could do, sparing carpeting and dry clean only clothing in the process.

:: via Create My Event


Beach House.

All of my vacay time for this year is tied up between moving (which was, in fact, very un-vacation like) and my ten year high school reunion in September. With the price of gas and airline tickets I know lots of people are playing the staycation card this summer. It all sort of sounded like a load until I saw this personal beach house. Designed by Mary Bloch in 1962, the beach house is a little cabin woven in natural cane on rattan frame and aluminum structure then covered in waterproof canvas. If I had this little bit of privacy and shelter I think I could maybe, just maybe, pull it off.


Expansif Mug.

Crystal clear Expansif Mugs are crafted out of sturdy heat-resistant Pyrex, so you can enjoy your morning fix without burning yourself. But I am wondering just how easy it would be to grab that piece passing itself off as a handle. My luck it would slip from my grasp and I’d end up scalding myself anyway. Oh, the price we sometimes pay for grand design!


Smart Spice.

Introducing Smart Spice. These spices, herbs, and kitchen essentials are of the highest quality. They’re fresh, organic, and packaged in pre-measured, single-use packets. Just tear one open, toss it in, and the unused packets stay freshly sealed awaiting their turn. Instead of having a crowded spice cabinet with bottles of spice growing stale and tasteless, cooks have on-demand freshness.

A more than genius idea. As much as I love my spice rack it doesn’t get as much love as it deserves. I’d love to be able to buy top shelf goodies to fill its jars, but because I don’t use them all the time things tends to end up clumpy and stale. So what’s the point? Problem solved. Each of the Smart Spice packets is pre-measured into one teaspoon. Each box contains four packets. I love the design as well and that the prominence rests on the name of the spice.

NOTE: Smart Spice is not available yet. Hang in there for Fall 2008!

:: via Cool Hunting


Scoop + Stack.

Judge me if you must: I’m not a huge fan of ice cream. I like the soft serve kind and frozen yogurt, but not so much the kind you can just buy in the grocery store. No real reason, there are just loads more things I’d like to digest. All of that said it doesn’t stop me from wanting one of these Cuisipro Ice Cream Scoop & Stacks. I just like the shape “scoop” they make and who knows, maybe I’d pick up a mad ice cream addiction…

:: via boingboing and Mackin Ink


IntelligentFirstAid Talking Kit.

I’d like to consider myself a fairly rational and calm person. (Although I’m not sure others who know me would agree. Hmm.) All that can go out the window in an instant though when there’s a medical emergency happening right. in. front. of. you.

The IntelligentFirstAid “talking” kit, designed by medical and educational experts, combines supplies, visual instruction cards and now an audio module for verbal guidance to manage the most common injuries. The kit is separated into individually labeled and color-coded injury packs so the user has all the supplies and easy to follow instructions for managing a specific injury. The audio module in each injury card takes the technology a step further. By the squeeze of a button, the module narrates step-by-step instructions to manage the injury, pausing and repeating when necessary for accurate response.

Really, really smart design at work. And it has a shoulder strap!

:: via Cool Hunting