Brocade Home Gifts.
With the holidays right around the corner Brocade Home has launched a new Gift section of their web site. The perfect place to hit up for that hard to find gift for the design-savvy friend/co-worker/relative!
With the holidays right around the corner Brocade Home has launched a new Gift section of their web site. The perfect place to hit up for that hard to find gift for the design-savvy friend/co-worker/relative!
Last week my co-worker Chris of Fresh Peel introduced me to gapingvoid. gapingvoid is this: cartoons drawn on the back of business cards. Former copywriter Hugh MacLeod is the artist behind the magic. He first started his doodles after moving to New York – it kept him busy at bars. What started as mindless has evolved into bits of 2 x 3.5″ philosophical insight.
I have to apologize for the lack of posting yesterday, but my fabulous boss gave us all the day off!
Posted In monday goodnessSu Ling at laissezfaire has asked me to post about the Top 10 New Design Blogs to Watch online poll.
Here are the rules:
1. This is an online poll in search for the Top 10 NEW Design Blogs.
2. The blog nominees should be less than 1 year old.
3. Please email your votes (up to 5) to by October 15th.
4. For more info check out Su Ling’s post here.
These blogs are not superblogs. Yet. The objective is to reveal your favorite new design blogs (less than 1 year old). To nominate a blog, send an email to by 15th October 2007 . Each person can vote for up to five candidates. The votes will be tallied and posted together with The Home Rejuvenation’s current poll to compare the results.
Happy voting!
Posted In blog loveNatalie of altruism in the morning has tagged me, so here goes nothin.’
Here’s the rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself: some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).
4. Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs.
Alright, let’s see…
• I’m a ridiculously good speller. Even if I’ve never heard or seen the word before. Of course, I am limited to the English language.
• The older I get, the more picky about food I become. Not in an I’m-turning-organic kind of way either.
• I have a cat named Peanut. He weighs 17 pounds. I always feel it’s like calling a fat man Tiny. Poor guy.
• For forever I wanted to be an architect. Then reality set in. And I realized I suck at math. But I’ve always hung on to a sketchbook of ‘floor plans’ that I drew when I was 10.
• I’ve named my MacBook Pro Bizcocho which means “cake” in Spanish.
• I’ve lived in 6 states in the past 9 years.
• I really, really, really want a dog!
Bloggers I’m tagging:
design for mankind – because this is one of my favorite new daily reads.
Happy Cavalier – because I read this blog every morning and am obsessed with the header.
laissezfaire – because this blog never fails to inspire me.
Rare Bird Finds – because there’s always something that I wish I’d found first.
senseless acts of beauty – because both the blog and shop and amazing.
the style files – a must read.
More Ways to Waste Time – because I love almost everything I see here.
Erik Adigard, cofounder of M.A.D.
I’ve been reading A Brief Message religiously for the past few weeks. ABM features design opinions in 200 words or less, the topic changes every few days, as does the author and illustrator. The most recent – Arrogrance and Humility – was written by Clay Shirky and illustrated by Louise Ma. I always like seeing what other have to say about the industry and digging into the mentalities of those within.