Kim Holtermand.
For today this photo series by Kim Holtermand shall be my happy place. Who would have guessed islands of rock could look so serene and dream-like.
For today this photo series by Kim Holtermand shall be my happy place. Who would have guessed islands of rock could look so serene and dream-like.
For the past few days I’ve been daydreaming about this print of an abandoned public school in Smithville, Texas. In my dream it’s sitting happily upon my mantel in a sturdy walnut frame. I’d like it to be a solid 24×36″, but in reality it’s only 8×10″. What’s a girl to do?
+ Love the look of this redesign for America’s currency.
+ Photographer Sharon Montrose opened the doors to The Animal Print Shop.
+ I’m mad about this color wheel bike!
+ Adult-only foods. Naughty!
+ Wikipedia desktop history wallpapers by Pavel Fuska.
+ No need for a light fixture when the bulbs look this good.
+ Really looking forward to seeing Darren Arnofsky’s latest film, Black Swan, when it’s released.
+ When a wall full of ABC gum becomes art it’s magical.
Happy Weekend!
When it comes down to it I will always be a simple girl at heart. These photographs from Romina Bacci’s shop Miles of Light speak to that side of me perfectly. {thanks Creature Comforts}
Posted In create, photography
Davina + Daniel, two uber-talented wedding photographers from Montreal, have recently set up an shop featuring landscape photos from a roadtrip that they did across the US. You can read all about their travels here! They traveled for two months through New York, Philadelphia, Washington, Memphis, Las Vegas and San Francisco among other cities and captured it as through their camera’s eye. In celebration of the opening of their etsy shop, Davina + Daniel are offering one lucky reader an 8 x 12 print of their choice.
To Enter, Tell Me:
1. Your favorite city in the U.S.
2. Your email address
3. Do it all by Monday, May 17th at 9am
The Fine Print: Please leave only one comment. Those who do not leave a valid email address will be disqualified. Winner will be selected randomly and contacted Monday, May 17th.
Posted In create, photography, win itSenior year in high school English class we had to write a sizable biography about, well anyone really, and I chose Andy Warhol. Not a lot of people outside of Pittsburgh know this, but the Steel City is the quirky Mr. Warhol’s hometown as well as mine. In fact, there’s a huge museum dedicated solely to his work. (If you’re ever in town it’s a must-see in my book.) The point of this tangent is that even with my 12th grade biography under my belt I had no idea Warhol experimented with Polaroids. Sadly, this exhibition of still life photos has been over for months, but I couldn’t resist sharing.
This week has been swamped with fusterclucks, both at work and at home. So you’ll have to excuse me while I only post a weekly roundup of good stuff today instead of my usuals. Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you back here Monday!
+ Can you believe Mother’s Day is less than a month away?! Here’s a gift guide and a freebie to get you started down the right path.
+ Feeling inspired by these circus-y photos be Wendy Bevan
+ Cute desktop wallpaper to get you all set for iced coffee weather!
+ And a few other desktop wallpaper beauties from Ruche
+ Looking forward to making a few of these paper bag lanterns for my first summer get together
+ Check out Design for Mankind’s new design and latest feature – The House that DFM Built
+ The tiniest modern miniatures
Happy Weekend!
Posted In blog love, create, downloads, gifts, happy weekend, make it, photographyI’m positively giddy (well, as giddy as I can be on a Monday morning) over this week’s giveaway! The T.ruffle girls, Mary and Karey, are two of my favorite people. And their shoppe? Well, it just happens to be one of my favorite things. Mary opens the doors early with a dazzling photo, while Karey closes up at night with the sweetest words. And this week they’re debuting a brand spankin’ new print right here, right now. For you. (And maybe a little for me, too, since coffee is another of my very favorite things.)
To Enter, Tell Me
1. Your best story of being ground up and spit out only to prevail in the end.
2. Your email address.
3. Do it all before Monday, March 8th at 9am CST.
Please leave only one comment. Those who do not leave a valid email address will be disqualified. Winner will be selected and contacted Monday, March 8th.
Posted In create, photography, win itFeeling very inspired today by this Tim Burton-inspired Harper’s Bazaar fashion shoot by photographer Tim Walker. Don’t you just want to step into the photographs? {via Love. Obsess. Inspire.}
PS: And if you’re a Burton fan, don’t miss his MoMA retrospective exhibition that kicks off November 22.
Posted In create, photographySee these beautiful, serene photographs by Corey Holms? They’re made out of food dye, vegetable oil and water. All things you can find in your kitchen. I’m tempted to try my hand at something similar, but have a feeling it would only end in tears and a rainbow colored kitchen floor. So for now I’ll content myself with the fact that a few of Corey’s are for sale here.
Posted In create, photography